Thighplasty and Posterior Lift 1 Month Update
One month ago I had a thighplasty and posterior back lift to get rid of the remaining extra skin I had on my body after losing 125 pounds.
To read the previous post in this series, click here!
One month already? It’s funny, I’ve heard that a lot in the last week. When something isn’t directly affecting us, time seems to fly by, but when it means you spend most of the month laying flat with your ankles raised above your heart it seems to drag on forever.
1 month post op.
Thank. God.
I don’t know that there are many things worse than sitting still. My personality is naturally chill so I don’t need to lay to achieve my zen, I need to go. I need to run, hike, and visit new places. That is how I relax. By connecting with the world, experiencing new things, and seeing my people face to face.

Essentially, ‘no one puts Brittany in a corner’… except for Dr. Stevens… and the corona virus. It’s safe to say I’ve effectively been cornered.
The first two weeks post-op were great, I slept a lot, watched some great documentaries, and life had a nice rhythm. But as I slowly regained my energy my body began to miss its daily endorphin boost. 5 kilometers of nothing but feet pounding desert trails, steady heart beat, and my favorite tunes tuning out everything else in the world.
Dear heavens I miss running something fierce.
On the bright side, now that I’m 4 weeks post op I can get my walk on. I did a couple miles yesterday and I plan to increase my mileage as my body allows. I won’t be able to run for another 4 to 8 weeks but I’m being pacified with these sloooooow unscenic treadmill walks for now.
I can also begin working arms again this week, nothing more than 8 pounds. My body is grateful because it is ready to MOVE.

Here are some wonderful things I can do now that I couldn’t two weeks ago:
Sit down on the potty. Climb stairs normally. I don’t need any help to dress or put on my socks or shoes. I can touch my toes. I don’t have any pain anymore and have been 100% off pain pills and Tylenol for weeks. I can have *gentle* sex again.
The foot and ankle swelling I experienced on my right side is greatly reduced and my feet fit in my running shoes. I can sleep comfortably on my sides and back in bed. I can lounge on my tummy but it’s not comfortable to sleep on yet.
I have a little lower back soreness, especially when it nears the end of the day. My legs still are not bothering me at all. I basically feel back to normal for the most part, minus the swollen foot, tender baby scars, and my bodies want to go to bed at 6:30 PM every night.

Am I glad I did this?
You betcha I am. I hope that while looking at these photos you look at them for what they are, a before and during. I’m in the middle of some massive healing right now, final results won’t be revealed for another 3 to 5 months. I’m still swollen, a little bruised, taped up, and tender.
As someone who has gone through this process before I know and expect that there are days when I’ll feel fabulous and others where I’ll wonder why I chose this. Healing is a journey, just like everything else, it isn’t instant. It requires patience. Diligence in working with my doctors to achieve the best possible outcome, that requires my participation.

My diet has to be on point, my supplement regimen, vitamin and herbal, is as important as my pain management. I have to find proper balance between doing too little and doing too much. And I have to prioritize my mental health because general anesthesia and surgery has a way of making you blue at times.
If you are considering these surgeries know that it’ll be a long road to recovery but a worthwhile one. I would highly recommend watching my Instagram Highlights for the day to day recovery process.
Stay tuned for my 2 month update! To be notified make sure to subscribe to my blog posts, click here!
Dr. Grant Stevens and Dr. Dan Gould were my surgeons for these procedures.
Find all of my pre and post surgery recommendations here!
Brittany Williams has taken the weight loss world by storm with her best-selling Instant Loss Cookbook. After reaching a peak weight of 260 pounds and spending a lifetime struggling with obesity, yo-yo dieting, autoimmune diseases, and chronic fatigue, Brittany changed her relationship with food and lost an astonishing 125 pounds in a year through diet alone.
Brittany’s latest book, Instant Loss Eat Real, Lose Weight shows how to make this a sustainable lifestyle with kid and family-friendly meals—from Strawberry Shortcake Oatmeal to Cowboy Chili to Easy 2-Minute Pork Chops. Members of her growing community have reported losing 50 and even 100 pounds themselves, and this cookbook will help others achieve similar success with simple, delicious meals, nearly all ready in 30 minutes or less.
I appreciate how real you stay throughout your whole transformation. I have both of your cookbooks and so far our favorite recipe is the Poblano Chile. My husband and I have 200 pounds to lose, each! I am grateful that you post your ups and downs to let us know what to expect throughout our journey. It has already been a roller coaster ride for me and we have only been in for about a month. I am happy to announce that I have lost 12lbs and my husband 20, through a combination of whole food eating and exercise. Also by learning how to purge the not healthy foods and habits out. I am excited and nervous for what is more to come. Thank you for your encouragement for all of us. I continue to pray for you, your family and your success.
Ohhhhh, Brittany! You are so strong to go through the procedure and now the post-surgery! You are beyond amazing with your determination.