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February Monthly Weight Loss Weigh In {Rebecca and Dan}

Well we made it to month two!!! We knew our weight loss would be slower this time around after gaining so much weight back and with our bodies struggling against us to stay at our top weights. But any achievement is a success and so we were successful in January because we ended the month weighing less than we started and eating healthy real food that we know is making a difference even in ways we can’t see!!! Here is our progress report:

Dan: Down 16.6 lbs. and 11.5 inches!!!


Rebecca: Down 15.8 lbs. and 19inches!!!

We have mostly been eating Brittany’s recipes with a few other healthy/clean recipes mixed in here and there. I pack leftovers for Dan’s lunches and I prepare egg/veggie cups and chia seed and coconut milk oatmeal for him to eat in the mornings. I usually have a smoothie or a veggie/egg scramble.

I’ve used my instant pot more this month than I probably have since I got it!!! I even had a day when I used it 3 times in one day! I have gotten into the grove of meal planning, shopping and cooking again. That is a huge accomplishment! Because for us, our absolute favorite thing to do was to eat out!!!

We have started to try to find other things to do together on the weekends, because our outings have ALWAYS revolved around going out to eat, many times twice a day. We did eat out a few times this month but now we are choosing only restaurants that have a healthy option menu, like BJs, Cheesecake Factory, True Food Kitchen and we had protein burgers (lettuce wrapped) at In N Out with the grandkids!

We are probably 95% gluten free, 90% dairy free, 95% sugar free and haven’t eaten a processed food all month!

We are still consuming coffee once a day and I put the tiniest amount of cream in it, no sugar. In February I am going to start making my coconut oil creamer again and do away with dairy altogether in my coffee. We are trying to practice good portion control but could still use some work in this area. Also we need to be careful about having too many meals that are high in carbs like sweet potatoes, butternut squash, carrots, corn, etc and eat more leafy greens and low glycemic vegetables. We have cut back on our meat consumption also. 

I have noticed that I am more of a home-body when we are eating healthy, because going out brings more temptations all around, and quite honestly can just be depressing to me! The struggle is truly real. It doesn’t matter how much I know cinnamon rolls and donuts aren’t good for me, it doesn’t keep me from wanting them and missing having them! If I stay home, it is easier to not think about all the things I can’t have or all the places we used to enjoy going to. 

We haven’t started exercising, but I am setting that as a goal for February to at least start walking. 

We are hanging in and committed to getting healthy! We haven’t had any big cheat meals or days. We have been pretty consistent. We have a few challenges coming up. We are traveling for a long weekend in February and Valentines Day. We will try to make all healthy choices during both occasions.

I feel a little lighter and much less bloated but I’m not noticing a big difference in the way my clothes are fitting yet. Probably because most of my clothes are stretchy and I was seriously stretching them to max occupancy and maybe even spilling out a bit! I’m looking forward to the day when I can start setting clothes aside that no longer fit me!!!

It’s exciting reading all the progress reports on FB. Way to go fellow sojourners!!! #jerf #instantloss #gettinghealthyonebiteatatime

Rebecca and Dan weight loss update instantloss.com

To read Rebecca and Dan’s January update, click here!

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  1. Great work! I lost 12 lbs this month following Brittany’s JERF lifestyle and reading the blog/facebook for inspiration when those cravings hit. I only noticed my non-stretchy pants fitting a little looser – so I think you are right that its just the stretchy fabric that is keeping you from noticing the difference in your own clothes – after all 11 and 19 inches is ALOT! So proud of you both! I’ll be checking up on you each month as we all travel this journey from afar together.

  2. Way to ho getting back on the program! I too lost a lot of weight back in 2015 on The Daniel plan. It became too hard to maintain with the cooking from scratch everyday. Now I’m back on both Brittany’s and some of the Daniel plan recipes all because I have a pressure cooker! So much easier this time around! So far I have lost 13lbs since Jan 1! And had to wear a belt today to keep my size 12 pants up! Working on getting into my size 10s again! Not there quite yet.

  3. That is So awesome! I agree that it’s so hard to go out and see all the “bad stuff” that we want even though we know it’s “bad!” Besides using a lot of Brittany’s recipes, and sticking to whole foods, my family has decided that next month we’re doing no meat (at home anyway) and a lot less dairy. It’s a big step so we’ll see how it goes. But you and your daughter sure are a great inspiration and having a whole online community who is also trying to be healthy makes things so much easier. Thank you!

  4. You all are so inspiring! Blessings to you all on your journey! Getting started with Brittany’s meal plans here at our home as well! Thank you so much for sharing your journeys! They are beyond inspirational! Well done!

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