About That Extra Skin….
So, about that extra skin… I get asked a lot about extra skin. Do I have it? Where is it? What does it look like?
After 6 pregnancies in 5 years and losing over 300 pounds during those years, extra skin is a real thing. It’s okay with me though. I really love my body extra skin and all!
What I do not love is chronic back pain.
I’ve struggled with chronic back pain since I started having children. My doctor said that it was strain caused by being overweight. But I’ve lost the weight and I’m still dealing with loads of back pain. After a trip to the doctor and a consultation with a specialist I discovered that I have several things going on underneath the surface.
I have a bad abdominal separation that I tried to heal naturally. You can actually feel my organs through the separation. It’s creepy and it makes my core super weak.
I have a ton of internal and external damage from my cesareans. I had four c-sections in five years. That took a tremendous toll on my body and is also a contributor to my back issues.
Most of you know I started exercising five weeks ago. Something I never thought extra skin would affect were my workouts but it does. I have to wear a belly binder or super tight restrictive high waisted pants while I run/do jumping jacks/big movements of any kind or it’s like working out without a bra on. It’s physically painful to run unless I have my belly binded.
I promised I’d always be honest with you guys and share this journey with you, the pretty and the not so pretty. After consulting with several physicians I’ve made the decision to have surgery to repair my body internally and remove the excess belly skin in hopes of getting rid of my back pain.
I absolutely love my body. You know I wasn’t ashamed to rock a two piece at 260 pounds and I’m certainly not embarrassed or ashamed of the way my body looks now. I worked hard for this. This tummy tells my story but after suffering with chronic pain for so long I feel optimistic at the prospect of being able to fix the things that are causing the strain.

I go in for surgery on 4/4/2018 and plan to document my journey here and on Instagram stories if you’d like to follow along!
This was something that I really struggled with sharing because it’s something I’m still struggling with myself but ya’ll have been my greatest support and encouragement throughout this process. I couldn’t imagine doing something this big without telling you about it. More soon. <3
Praying for a speedy recovery! You’re an inspiration, keep up the great work!
Thank you so much Tamra!
Prayers for successful uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. God bless.🕆🕯💙🦋
Wish your surgery goes terrific and praying for fast healing!! You deserve it!!
Hi Brittany, thank you for your honesty and sharing your wins as well as your struggles. I had triplets and have been dealing with abdominal separation and extra skin that over hangs FOR YEARS. This causes me much discomfort around my c section scar and limits me from building my core. Can you share what type of doctor (s) you went to for the abdominal separation and what they do to fix it ? I’m guessing the removal of the skin is a plastic surgeon. Thank you
A plastic surgeon did both. 🙂
Best wishes as you make this move forward to heal inside and out. You’re amazing and thank you for sharing your journey!!
Good for you! Prayers for a speedy recovery.
I had a tummy tuck after having three kids and loosing weight and it was the best decision I ever made!
Do whatever is best for you. You are very inspiring and the reason I bought a Insta Pot.
Thank you for sharing you stories and life. I’m on my own journey to losing weight and constantly follow you for recipes and inspiration. I wish a fast and healthy recovery on your surgery.
Thank you again
Wishing you a wonderful outcome and speedy recovery! Thank you for all you do to encourage us!
I’ve been following you for several months and I am amazed by you. Praying for a speedy recovery
I had an abdominoplasty with muscle repair 11 years ago. I am SO glad I did it. I wrote about it on some tummy tuck site and titled my entry, “It’s not about the bikini.” I never had huge weight loss, just big babies, 3 csecs and apparently not very stretchy skin. It feels so good to not have that huge muscle separation anymore. It was more painful than I realized to have that skin hanging around and pushing up into me when I sat/drove/rode in a car. I had to pay 100% out of pocket for this repair. It seemed to me that we take better care of auto bodies than womens’ bodies, sadly. Anyway–this was a great surgery for me, my health, my back, and there was nothing I could do to fix the damage in a less invasive way.
Love watching your stories! I wish you a speedy recovery and successful results❤️
You deserve to feel better after all the hard work you put in!!! You are an inspiration! Praying for a good recovery.
Sooo proud of you. Keep up the good work!
lov ya gma s
This is me also with same issues as you! I wish I could afford to have a tummy tuck to fix mine to! Sending healing prayers to you!
Have you followed Amanda Valentine-a radio dj in cincinnati? She had the same surgery after a big weight loss! She is on insta and has a blog and podcast-You Can Pound on This (I think is the name-she just changed it). She is a great inspiration-much like you! Good luck with surgery and thank you for your honesty!!
Thank you for sharing! I’m sure that the surgery will make you feel better and be better for your overall health. Prayers for a speedy and quick and pain free recovery! You inspire us every day!
Thank you for being so honest …
When you are healed you can add Fascia Blasting to your routine. It has helped a lot.
Ashly Black has a Facebook page where everyone shares or asks questions about the journey to a healthy fascia.
I used the fascia blaster every day for over a month. Zero change. I was in that group for over a year before I decided to start. Disappointed that I put so much effort in and saw no results.
I definitely would stay away from the fascia blaster
You will rock it. Keep up your hard work.
Thank you so much!
We have the technology and so I am a believer in surgery to fix/repair and even improve our bodies. I used to have saddlebags on my thighs, even when I weighed under 100 lbs. I finally had liposuction to get rid of them. One of the best things I did! Look into some homeopathic remedies for healing (arnica to reduce bruising; vitamin C to promote healing, and more). Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Thank you Valarie! I will look into that.
You are an incredible human! Love you for sharing and caring enough to do it!
Barre3 Is a work out method that healed my friend who had twins and suffered the same thing. Jenuinejoy is her Instagram and her batte3 studio instagram is barre3eagle
She is in Boise and would love to tell you her journey and what she did to heal it
The method has something to do with postpartum healing as well as regular workouts
Brittany, you are a beautiful soul. I pray this will help alleviate your back pain. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Thanks so much for sharing and for being so real. I’ll be on the look out for your updates as I know you’ll be sharing after pics too.
Prayers for a successful surgery. Thanks for your honesty and encouragement to all of us!!!
Can’t wait to see your results! Hoping for a speedy and successful recovery!
Thank you for sharing! Wishing you the best recovery.
Good for you – hope that this gives you some relief. I had a breast reduction done in my 20s and I have never looked back. Back pain gone, and no more grooves in my shoulders – they took a pound off of each breast. Plus the amount of self confidence I gained from it was amazing. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Brittany , You are a Beautiful Young Woman. Your heart is so wonderful to share these personable and inspiring journeys that you embarking upon.
Prayers for you and the staff that will be performing your surgery. God be with you and comfort you now and during your healing.
My prayers are with you Brittany. I too have suffered back pain for too many decades. Take care of you! Lord, heal my friend and watch over her beautiful family. Heal her quickly in Jesus’ name!
Hope the surgery helps with your health issues and that you can start living pain free. Have a speedy recover.
I appreciate your honesty. You are such an inspiration and I love your recipes. Good luck with the surgery and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Love your honesty with your readers. I to have had seversl c sections and other abdominal surgeries so i know about extra tummy skin. I wish you all the best an thank you for being such an inspiration to so many. Good luck and cant wait to see the after pictures
I’m so proud of you for all you’ve accomplished! I’ve been fighting within myself for years. I’ve had 3 cervical fusions and my weight continued to pile on. I’ve gone back and forth with depression and TRIED so many different things to get the weight off. I was doing good then my life had a hit and started to spiral. I now have a angry foster child living with me and I’m spending all my non working hours trying to make a difference in his young life. I’m running to dr, therapy, school, social worker, and court appts almost daily and it hasn’t left a lot of time for cooking…a lot of fast food trips 😩 I need to create a healthy environment for him and myself as well so I’m hoping I can find some easy recipes to allow me to get back on track and provide healthy food options. I’ve enjoyed following your journey and again I’m so proud of you. I hope one day I can look back at what I’ve accomplished and hopefully relieve a lot of my neck & back pain as well! Good luck on your next journey, I’m sure you’ll have an enormous amount of support as you embark on this new journey!
Praying for a safe, successful surgery and a quick recovery.
You are making the best decision for you so you can bet he mom you want to be…..which is the most important thing. Prayers for a quick and speedy recovery. Complete healing is the goal. Bless you and all your honesty.
Good luck Britney, there is a lot of love and prayers out here for you! Thank you for sharing your experience with us. ❤️
Fantastic and very brave….. good luck, hoping all goes well kid….
Thank you!
I was wanting to know what type of specialist you saw they gave you your diagnosis? I feel like this may be what’s causing my back pain too. Thanks for sharing!
My OB diagnosed me and referred me to a physical therapist who I saw off an on for two years.