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June Monthly Weight Loss Weigh In {Rebecca and Dan}

Well hello June!!! You snuck up on me! Today is June 1st and I am just now writing my update. We haven’t taken pictures or done our measurements for the monthly check in…yet! So this update will be coming to you a couple days late. Tomorrow is Saturday, we can get it all done. 

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Rebecca and Dans Weight Loss Weigh In instantloss.com

We spent the last 9 days caring for 3 of our grandchildren (Brittany’s kiddos), while she and Brady were in Charleston, SC for her cookbook photoshoot! That is how June snuck up on me, those kids have kept us busy, in a good way! We had a blast with them, including a trip to The Aquarium of the Pacific over Memorial weekend. We are glad the photo shoot went well and Brittany and Brady are back home with their babies now! With the launch of the cookbook coming in October, there will be more opportunities for grandchildren visits! 

We are plugging along with the clean eating lifestyle. We are still slooooowly loosing. For Mother’s Day my husband and boys took me for brunch at True Foods Kitchen! We ate healthy yummy food and enjoyed the day. I joined Brittany’s DietBet challenge for May and just barely met my challenge, but I did it! I am excited to also join her June DietBet to help keep me accountable heading into the summer! I challenge all of you not to fall off the wagon this summer. Even on vacation you can make smart choices and stay on track! 

My personal challenge for myself is to get back down below 200lbs by the end of June. I need to get to 201.6 to meet my DietBet but I want to be below 200 by July 1st! That would be a total weight loss of 50lbs in 6 months! I can do this!

Dan hasn’t gotten involved in the DietBets but he is still loosing slowly as well. We both feel like we’ve gotten into a pretty good groove of clean eating with little shared treats here and there, with out ever over indulging. We feel good about our progress and the overall lifestyle. How are you all doing? Let’s keep it up! Everyone have a fantastic and healthy summer! #jerf #marathonnotasprint #changingourlivesonebiteatatime 

Here are the numbers for June 1st:

260.1 -3.7 for May (-38.9 total)
-1.5 in (-31in total)

206.2  -7 for May (-43.8 total)
-6.5 in (-33.75in total)

For Meal Plans to help you get started, click here!

To join our June Instant Loss DietBet, click here!


  1. Wow, you two look amazing! Thank you for sharing your journey with us and motivating others! Keep going!

  2. Rebecca, sometimes people are worried they will look older when they lose weight. You look awesome! So proud of you for taking a stand for your health and setting such a great example for the little people in your life!

  3. Keep up the good work. “be not weary in well doing…!”
    Your updates are very inspirational to me.
    Thank you for your honesty about your journeys, both successes and failures.

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