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10 Healthier Easter Candy Ideas

10 Healthier Easter Candy Ideas instantloss.com

10 Healthier Easter Candy Ideas

My mom knows that I’m pretty strict when it comes to my kids and treats. Because my daughter battles an autoimmune disease, Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis, it’s important that we stay away from gluten and casein, among other things.  So this year, my mom kindly requested that I put together a list of appropriate treats she could put in my kids’ Easter Eggs.

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Because it took a little bit of time and research to put this together, I felt like it was something that could benefit everyone who is looking for casein/gluten free alternatives to traditional Easter candy! Not all of these options are the epitome of health but rather they are healthier alternatives to traditional Easter candy. 

1. Organic Jelly Beans


Organic jelly beans made with organic fruit juice. No artificial colors or flavorings. Even these organic jelly beans still contain quite a bit of sugar but sometimes you just gotta live!








2. Dairy and Gluten Free Chocolate

Companies like MooFree and NoWheyFoods create vegan chocolate products that are egg, dairy, soy, and gluten free! This makes their chocolate a great choice for kids and adults with allergies/sensitivities. 






3. Caramels

Cocomels are caramels that are made out of coconut milk. They’re dairy free, vegan, kosher, and gluten free! These are a great little treat to put inside of Easter eggs and they’re delicious! 







4. Organic Fruit Snacks

My kids get store bought fruit snacks twice a year; Easter and Christmas. Throughout the year they have things like Elderberry Gummies and fruit snacks made out of fruits and vegetables that we blend up. Around the holidays though, I’m just a bit too busy to make them myself.

I resort to Annies or other organic fruit snacks that are free of artificial ingredients and dyes. Pure sugar? Yes. The healthiest thing? No. But it’s all about balance. I don’t ever want my kids to feel left out and little treats like this, on occasion, go a long way. 



5. Dehydrated Fruit


Dehydrated fruit is always a winner in our house! I love this Crispy Fruit brand because all it is dehydrated fruit! There are other great brands that we like to buy, like Bare, that are organic and super wonderful too! If your kids are young enough you might even be able to get away with raisins! 


6. Organic Lollipops/Suckers

What kid doesn’t love a good sucker? Another rare treat that my kiddos only get around the holidays are organic lollipops. They’re always over the moon excited and I don’t have to worry much about too many of the ingredients. 







7. Homemade Candy

If I have the time, I’ve been known to make my kids homemade treats. This way I know exactly what’s inside of them. I’ll make nut clusters or I’ll melt some chocolate in my Instant Pot and use some candy molds to make homemade Reeses. This is a great alternative, if you’ve got the time!





8. Hard Candy


These little organic hard candies fit perfectly inside Easter eggs! They remind me of hunting for eggs when I was little. My Grandma and would stuff eggs with hard candies. It’s just traditional and these ones don’t have any artificial ingredients or dyes either! 






9. Black Forest Organic Candy


Black Forest is a great organic candy option found at most major stores now. I’ve even seen it at CVS and Walgreens before. Affordable at under $4 a bag, this is a decent option for organic, GMO free Easter candy. 






10. Whole Foods


If all else fails, take a trip to your local Whole Foods or health food store and start exploring different treats and their ingredients yourself! What works for my family might not work for yours and that’s okay! The important thing is that we’re all trying to clean up our diets the best that we can. We may not always be perfect but trying is progress!






What are some of your favorite healthier treats to stuff eggs and Easter baskets with? Share down below! I’d love to see your ideas! 

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  1. Thanks for sharing this list. I get a lot of my holiday sweets for my kiddos at Trader Joe’s. My boys are very sensitive to artificial colors and gluten. Trader’s has good alternatives that are better ingredients but are still affordable.

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