Brittany Williams
Brittany is the founder and creator of InstantLoss.com, author of the Instant Loss Cookbook, Instant Loss Eat Real Lose Weight, and Instant Loss On a Budget. She is a wife, working mother of three, and hobby DIY-er. She lost 125 pounds through healthy eating. Far from being a gym rat, she gave up on counting calories, points, or macros and decided to just eat real food. She is now a motivator and champion for the whole foods JERF (Just Eat Real Food) movement.
You can read more about Brittany and her story, here.

Katie is a California native who moved to Michigan 15 years ago. She has three children ranging from 6-21 and a husband who loves to hunt. She has a degree in Criminal Justice and works full time. In her spare time she admins the InstantLoss.com Facebook page. She is thankful for the Instant Loss community for inspiring her to cut fast food, soda, and negative self talk out of her life completely!

Roxanne is a Texan native with Mexican roots, so she loves all things spicy! She lives in the DFW area with her two young daughters and her husband. After joining Instant Loss in 2017, Roxanne lost 55lbs and gained a new mindset on food. Since then, she now enjoys cooking in her kitchen and has continues to instill healthy food habits in her kids. Prior to starting a family, Roxanne used to run 5ks and half marathons. She currently works full time within her local police department, where she also loves to share Brittany’s recipes. When not at work, Roxanne can be found tinkering in her suburban vegetable garden with her girls.

Heather is a born and raised Texan. She is married to her best friend and they have 6 children. A full-time working and home schooling mom, her house is filled with chaos and lots of laughter, she loves every minute of it! Being part of the Instant Loss Team has enabled her to work from home and still be with her family full-time. “Being a part of this awesome team of women has helped me discover new passions and given me new purpose in helping and supporting others.” Heather has lost 80 pounds with the help of the Instant Loss Cookbooks and the support of the community.